Greetings to you all

This Sunday is the first time we’ve held Liberty’s annual cookout on a September Sunday. With students back in school and summer rapidly slipping away (and a weather forecast that still looks good for outdoors fellowship), it’s a great time to re-connect, share a great meal together, welcoming guests and blessing the kids with family fun for everyone.
We are so grateful for all who have helped prepare for this special time together.
For those who have offered to help us in the set-up phase between 8:00 and 10:00 AM tomorrow, please see Jonathan Nusbaum as you arrive to find out where help is needed most.
 [Note: Our Cafe Liberty serving team has a Sunday “off” this week as we share in set-up and preparations for the Cookout/fellowship].
Please bring side dishes, desserts, salads and/or chips to the fellowship hall anytime between 9:30 and 10:10 AM.  
Join us for Worship @ 10:15 AM and bring a friend.
Kids Ministry Advance day: What a pleasure it is to recognize the children who move into a new class level in Kids Church. The joy of learning in a safe, Christ-centered Kids class experience is a high priority in the shaping of a biblical worldview in church and family life.
We’re also honored to have water baptism at the conclusion of the morning service. Our set-up is different this time with a portable baptistry on the front porch. We’ll invite you all outside to surround those receiving baptism – and what a beautiful sign that is of the blessing of belonging in the Body of Christ!
After celebrating together with those who are receiving baptism, we’ll move to the fellowship hall for a great lunch (tables both indoors and outdoors) and then on to outdoor activities. Bring a lawn chair and a couple of towels with you and invite friends along to enjoy good food, water slide, fellowship and games for all ages.

Looking ahead….

Wednesday evening prayer gatherings ~ 7:00 PM 
(Wednesdays: Sept 11th – Nov 6th)
In light of the intense contest for the soul of America that the 2024 election reflects, the urgency for all believers to seek the Lord is clear. Our next prayer gathering on the evening of September 11th 2024 is a time to bring grateful praise for God’s mighty hand of mercy and to bring this present crisis to the Lord in prayer.
In a time of great hazards for the nation he loved, King Jehoshaphat gave us a model for seeking the Lord’s mercy and intervention when he prayed:
“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” 
(II Chronicles 20:12b)
With a similar urgency as the faith reflected in that prayer, we lift the USA to the LORD God, the Source of true liberty for this troubled nation. Faithfully, our heavenly Father delivers the needy, revives those who are weary and provides for all who cry out to Him in simple childlike trust. 
[Kids’ Ministry Teachers Team Dinner @ 5:30 PM on Sept 11th, prior to the prayer gathering]
Ladies Ministry Luncheon ~ Sunday, September 15th. 
On Sunday, September 15th, the Liberty Ladies Love-in-Action Luncheon will be held at 11:45 AM.  The RSVP for Ladies’ Luncheon events is in an Evite from Marsha Nusbaum and Diane Berry.  Guests are always most welcome! If you’re not yet on the Ladies Love-in-Action Evite list and would like more information, see Diane or Marsha here at church.
Alpha Pregnancy Center Banquet – Saturday October 5th, 2024
We welcome you to join personally in our support of Alpha Pregnancy Center’s ministry of providing timely, effective, Christ-centered care to women facing any type of crisis or duress in regard to expectancy, childbirth or motherhood. The annual Alpha Pregnancy Center Banquet at Grace Bible Church in Manchester MD is a great intro to the ministry and a time to step up our financial support! The Alpha Banquet is on Saturday evening, October 5th beginning with a Silent Auction @ 5:00 PM. There are free seats available at pre-sponsored tables. We would love to welcome you and your guests. For tickets, see Lou Enoff here at church.
Remember the easiest way to make offerings online, with the assurance of safe, secure processing of a contribution at any time during your busy week. Just click here to add your support in any amount: Giving
Your contributions to Liberty Church are deeply appreciated.
Here are the links to live-stream each Sunday or to access at the time best for you:

View the service live online

Listen to past services

The LORD sits enthroned forever;
He has established His throne for justice,
And He judges the world with righteousness.” 
(Psalm 9:7-8a)
In His love,
Pastor Joe
Liberty Church
P.O. Box 295
Westminster MD 21158
Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s cell: 410.596.4096

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