Greetings Liberty family and friends

It is a high honor to share in support of organizations that are serving the most vulnerable in our society – the tiny, pre-born infants whose lives are infinitely priceless and whose moms need ongoing care and encouragement.
I’m attaching here a couple of cards we’ve received in response to your generous gifts in support of two pregnancy care centers in our area. How grateful we are for all they do and for all who serve at the Center for Pregnancy Concerns in Westminster and at Alpha in Reisterstown.  We honor the work that each of the Pregnancy Center teams are doing and wanted to share these notes (attached) from Sue at Alpha and from Laura at PSC of Carroll County.  Contribution for these ministries are always welcome – simply designate an extra offering amount on a check for “pregnancy centers”
It’s also been quite a while since I’ve shared about the Barnabas Box. A literal box on the wall in the sanctuary symbolizes this endeavor that God has used in quiet but beautiful ways through the generosity of worshipers. And funds specified for Barnabas Box via checks or in online giving are the main ways people may support the “box”.  It’s a fund set aside to provide some assistance for individuals facing an emergency or a severe need.
On the offering envelopes, there’s a line to use for Barnabas Box. To designate a gift via online giving takes an extra step. PayPal is the processor we’re currently using. It’s easy, safe and secure. But we’re also looking at a much more versatile online giving processor that’s designed for churches and other non-profit organizations. We will let you know if the details work out to implement that. There isn’t a comment box in the PayPal portal, so all contributions are for our General Fund. (To add a designated offering for missions or Barnabas Box or pregnancy centers in an online contribution, please email us at and any designations will be handled accordingly).
The generosity and care of all tithers and those who send love offerings via mail and/or via PayPal are all deeply appreciated!
With weather in the mid-70’s and only a 20% chance of rain, hopefully tomorrow will be an ideal day for a hike!  Liberty Ladies Love-in-Action ministry meets up at Bear Branch Nature Center (on Littlestown Pike, Route 97) after our morning service.  For any ladies who had not yet planned to join the group, it’s not too late. All are welcome. Here’s a link to the center @ 300 John Owings Road (21158):

Graduation Congratulations

We’re delighted to recognize the hard work and dedication that Eric Behnke has invested in his academic track at Carroll Community College as he graduates this week. A Congratulations card is on the Connections Table for anyone in church to stop by and sign tomorrow morning during Cafe Liberty as we gather for worship.
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“Let us not lose heart in doing good, 
for in due time, we will reap if we do not grow weary. 
So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people,
and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” 
(Galatians 6:9-10 NASB)

In His love,
Pastor Joe

Liberty Church
P.O. Box 295
Westminster MD 21158


Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s cell: 410.596.4096

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