Greetings to you all

It’s been delightful for me to hear again this week of spontaneous acts of kindness that bring strong encouragement to others as a result of meeting up here to worship the Lord.

My favorite definition of “ministry” is in the words of David in Psalm 23:5 when he said, simply, “My cup overflows”
In a time in our nation’s history when so many highly stressful and hazardous situations seem to spin out of every “news cycle”, the crucial urgency of living boldly for Jesus Christ and of equipping the saints for real ministry is clearer than ever.
When we think of the real meaning of ministry as an overflow of the life-giving grace and power Christ promises through the Holy Spirit for every believer, there are no dull days in life and no insignificant people!
Every person we meet in the course of a day’s work is a vital (and unique!) soul for whom Christ died. We carry a limitless resource of redemptive grace in our earthen vessels, and in the simplest of ways in our lives, we may convey His grace in every place.
We hope you’ll join us for a warm welcome to Worship in our Cafe Liberty coffee fellowship from 9:45-10:15 AM tomorrow. We SO appreciate each of the couples whose care and preparations make Cafe Liberty happen!
Giving Online Just Got Better:
Our new addition to the online giving options is now activated!
This weekend we introduce Vanco, another secure and widely used portal for congregations, ministries and other non-profit organizations. With many hours of work by Jody Albright and Ian Eberly in implementing this option, it’s now ready-to-go for our general fund contributions. As we continue to backtest the features, we will activate other sections for special offerings.   We’re also keeping the PayPal option in place for those who may prefer to use PayPal. Either way, you can be assured of a secure, safe, efficient means of contributing to the care of your congregation.
Thanks to all the faithful givers and friends of Liberty Church.
Click this link to check this out, whether for one-time offerings or for monthly pre-scheduled contributions:
[Note: the link provides an option for new users to set up an account in Vanco but that is optional. All contributions are processed the same, with or without registering signing up for an account]
Looking ahead….
Sunday, August 11th ~ Liberty Ladies Luncheon @ 11:45 AM 
Saturday, August 17th LC Security Team Training Session @ 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall with Deputy Dan Simmons, Carroll County Sheriff’s Dept
Sunday, August 18th ~ Communion in Worship ~ 10:15 AM service
Sunday, September 8th ~ Annual Church Cookout ~ sign-up sheet on Connections Table
            and Water Baptism during the 10:15 AM service
Here are the links to live-stream each Sunday ~

View the service live online

Listen to past services

“The LORD has sent redemption to His people;
He has ordained His covenant forever; 
Holy and awesome is His name.”
(Psalm 111:9 NASB)
In His love,
Pastor Joe
Liberty Church
P.O. Box 295
Westminster MD 21158
Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s cell: 410.596.4096

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