Merry Christmas to you all throughout the weekend!
With concerns about this hazardous weather pattern, we know extra precautions are needed.
Our Worship service tonight is at 7:00 PM and will be Live-streamed as well. So whether you’re “layering up” for the extreme cold or staying indoors, it’s still our JOY to share a warm welcome for worshipers to bring guests, neighbors and friends and/or to share the links below.
A couple of special notes for this evening:
1. We’ll conclude our worship with candles lit from the Christ candle together. For those watching in live-stream, I’ll invite your participation at home. If you have a candle available to safely light, we would love to share this time together briefly “in virtual space” as well as in the sanctuary.
2. The bulletin attached is our welcome to you to join us in reflection and the sharing of Scripture and song. We’re “together” with each of you and above all, we rejoice in the gift of Immanuel that God in Christ, our living Redeemer, is with us!
To join with us either via the website , here are those quick links:
Christmas Day ~ Our Dec 25th service will be online only at 10:15 AM on Christmas morning: Live
Note: We return to the sanctuary together on New Years’ Day ~ January 1st, 2023 at 10:15 AM [with Cafe Liberty @ 9:45 AM]
How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is given…
and how awesome it is to know Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
Jesus our Savior is born!
Joe D. Ready
Liberty Church
1641 Old Westminster Road, Westminster MD 21157
Mailing address: P.O. Box 295, Westminster MD 21158-0295
Church Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s Cell: 410.596.4096