Dear Liberty family & friends

This has been a week that brings both joys and sorrows into the paths we share with loved ones and friends. One of the deeply rooted principles for enriching relationships that we’ll in our Hebrews series is in 3:13 where we’re called to “encourage one another daily”.
Often the thought of giving an encouraging word is thought of as trite or lightweight. But the key word in Hebrews 3:13 for “exhort” or “encourage” is the same word Jesus used in promising the Holy Spirit’s presence to us: “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter that He may abide with you forever.” (John 14:16). 
Although we know that only He can bring true vitality and strength to the souls of others, it’s astounding and moving that God places a responsibility in our lives that mirrors the greater One, stirring us to find ways to truly “encourage one another”! Even in those moments when we’re not sure what we can do for a friend or loved one, we can truly “lean in” by faith and ask the Holy Spirit for the best way to tap into the wealth of resources He gives for genuine encouragement.
We invite you to link up with others in our welcoming meet-up time in Cafe Liberty and for worship and our observance of Communion together.
The loss of a beloved, kind and creative member of our congregation reminds us of the glory of the Gospel. We celebrate the life of Cathy Louthian today at Fletcher Funeral Home at 11:00 AM, giving thanks for her and lifting all her loved ones in prayer for the consoling grace of the Holy Spirit.
We’re honored tomorrow to bring little ones to the Lord Jesus, praying for their parents and grandparents as they share the calling to raise children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord”. (Ephesians 6:4) What a JOY it is to stand with Linsey and Won Hill as they bring Meadow and Lilly for Dedication to the Lord Jesus.
In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus placed the emblems of His sacrifice in the hands of the Apostles to seal the truths of His Cross and Resurrection in the hearts and minds of all worshipers and congregations. We bow before the powerful invitation that He placed in the heart of the Gospel: “Do this in remembrance of Me”.

Security Team training meeting: Today’s training time @ 9:00 AM welcoming Master Deputy Daniel Simmons of the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department is another step in developing the LC Security Team’s procedures. We appreciate the good work done by everyone on the team to collaborate and learn together.
Safe, convenient online giving via Vanco:
I’m repeating our news this month about Vanco – the new way one may choose to give, securely online. One of the links I included last week was incorrect. The direct URL is
Here’s the “tiny link” to the same giving portal:
Try it out if you prefer donating with a credit card or a debit ACH from your bank. Online giving is secure, efficient and convenient via Vanco:
A giver can use the site without registering, simply by following the link “Donate with Vanco”. Choose “Guest”. You can be assured of your gift to Liberty Church being processed safely and securely.
As an alternative, for those who choose to pre-schedule contributions on a monthly or weekly basis, there is a “Sign Up” button at the top right of the screen, to set that up for a pre-scheduled (recurring) transaction.
Let us know if you have any questions, anytime. Reply to this email or contact Jody Albright at

Looking ahead….

Wednesday, September 4th ~ Intercessory Prayer Gathering @ 7:00 PM
        We welcome you to join in prayer for our nation, church, missionaries and special requests together.
Sunday, September 8th ~ Annual Church Cookout ~ sign-up sheet on Connections Table
            and Water Baptism during the 10:15 AM service
Friday, September 13th~ Church family fellowship and game night – details to-be-announced
“Sing to the LORD, all the earth; 
Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.” 
(I Chronicles 16:23 NKJV)
In His love,
Pastor Joe
Liberty Church
P.O. Box 295
Westminster MD 21158
Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s cell: 410.596.4096

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