Dear Liberty family & friends

Join us tomorrow for Café Liberty as we meet and greet in the half hour prior to worship @ 10:15 AM. ☕
 In so many experiences in life, knowing we’re among friends who share the adventure of following Jesus is priceless!
I’ve attached here an invitation to a new date (this year) for our annual church picnic. On the 2nd Sunday of September, we’ll be outdoors after morning service for cookout, water slide, games for the kids and fellowship. There is a sign-up sheet on the Connections table to give us your RSVP and add an item or two you can bring to go along with church-provided burgers, sausage, hot dogs etc.
In the midst of busy summer activities and travels, we love to be in touch and to know how we can walk alongside each of you in your journeys. Life brings us a mixture of emotions at times – sometimes within the same day or even in the same hour, we may toggle from good laughs with loved ones and friends to sharing sad news that feels hard to absorb.
Swiftly changing circumstances can bring a jolt to our souls. In all types of tests, it is absolutely priceless to have friend who can fully empathize with our challenges.
In the terrible loss that a congregation in Carroll County experienced on Wednesday, several of you contacted me with offers to help. I was honored and blessed to share that with Pastor Ray Newman at Clearfield Bible Church. We’ve offered support from Liberty in any way we can help and will continue to be in touch. Please pray for them as they gather tomorrow at their outdoor pavilion on-site.
Please also add to your daily prayer list, recovery for Mrs. Maggie Purtell who fell at home last Sunday and had hip surgery on Monday at Northwest Hospital (LifeBridge). She’s doing well at home, getting P.T. and we’re grateful for a good prognosis.
Online giving – our new option for Liberty Church support via Vanco:
Contributions can be given in-service in the offering box on the Connections Table. Many people now prefer a secure online service for regular giving.  Here’s that direct link:
A giver can use the site without registering, simply by following the link “Donate with Vanco”. Choose “Guest”. You can be assured of your gift to Liberty Church being processed safely and securely.  As an alternative, for those who choose to pre-schedule contributions on a monthly or weekly basis, there is a “Sign Up” button at the top right of the screen, to set that up for a pre-scheduled (recurring) transaction.
Let us know if you have any questions, anytime. Send a note in reply to this email or to Jody Albright at
You’ll see this in our website at
We are keeping the PayPal option in place for those who may prefer to use PayPal. Either way, you can be assured of a secure, safe, efficient means of contributing to the care of your congregation. 
Thanks to all the faithful givers and friends of Liberty Church.
I also want to again thank Jody Albright and Ian Eberly for their dedication to seeing this new giving option made accessible for all givers. The technical and bookkeeping side of these kinds of changes often take longer than expected – insuring the best experience for all users. Super grateful for such good teamwork.

Looking ahead….

Sunday, August 11th ~ Liberty Ladies Luncheon @ 11:45 AM
Saturday, August 17th LC Security Team Training Session @ 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall with Deputy Dan Simmons, Carroll County Sheriff’s Dept.
Sunday, August 18th ~ Communion in Worship ~ 10:15 AM service
Sunday, September 8th ~ Annual Church Cookout ~ sign-up sheet on Connections Table
            and Water Baptism during the 10:15 AM service
Here are the links to live-stream each Sunday or to access at the time best for you:

View the service live online

Listen to past services

“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,
to which also you were called in one body,
and be thankful.”
(Colossians 3:15 NKJV)
In His love,
Pastor Joe
Liberty Church
P.O. Box 295
Westminster MD 21158
Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s cell: 410.596.4096

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