Greetings to you all

Many of life’s greatest treasures come quietly in our lives, often while we’re busily preoccupied with work, time pressures or urgent demands on our attention.
When a magnificent sunrise spreads its beauty across the land, we glimpse some of the splendor God sends us silently. As flowers bloom around us giving witness to the onset of springtime, they display a quiet boldness that reminds us that there’s so much more God has in store just awaiting our discovery.
In fact, rarely do we witness any greater beauty than what the Master Artist of Creation has designed in such natural settings for millions of eyes to see.
His handiwork is the theme of many jubilant psalms for good reason: Praising God should expand our sense of wonder about His glory, so all varieties of praise are needed. But silence is surely one of the most neglected ways to truly enter into praise.

What we miss, at times, is the necessity of choosing silence.
 It’s kind of a defiant decision when you think about it. Noisy surroundings are virtually inescapable in many arenas of life, including noise that’s valuable and useful in many ways. However, in other cases, it’s overwhelming, distracting, annoying and, at times, offensive. But whether for good or ill, the fact is that noise is the constant that spills over into most areas of life. To opt for silence may even feel oddly out-of-place, but it can be incredibly refreshing to taste “quiet” as one of God’s uniquely valuable gifts.
When Psalm 46:10 calls us to “Be still and know that I am God”, it reminds us of the abiding power of God’s presence.
Surprisingly, that stirring invitation comes in the midst of a psalm about turmoil, upheaval and war – themes that are very relevant to the catastrophes that are so prevalent in our world today. But Psalm 46:10 breaks into the noise with a stunning reversal of expectations. It calls worshipers to defy the noise with a bold act of worship:
Be still and know that I am God” offers worshipers a certainty that is far deeper than what words can describe.
What a joy to know that a silence we choose in response to the magnitude of the Father’s love is a superb starting point for any day or week (and any new season in life, as well!).
We’re blessed to gather among friends who connect with the Lord and His Kingdom.
Join us for Café Liberty in the half hour prior to Worship at 10:15 AM.
The Ladies Love-in-Action Planning Party Luncheon is tomorrow, at approximately 11:45 AM, after morning service. 
Also, Liberty guys are getting together for lunch at a local restaurant during the ladies’ event time.  All men are invited tomorrow after church over to Bullock’s Restaurant on Route 32 (Sykesville Road)

Also….looking ahead

Special church family projects together on Saturday May 4th:
A workday sign-up sheet is on the Connections Table for our Workday on Saturday May 4th ~ for help needed for a few tasks indoors and outdoors.  Breakfast sandwiches, snacks and coffee @ 8:00 AM ~ projects from 8:30 AM until 12:00 Noon. Welcome to all!
Share the opportunity for friends and loved ones to join us via live stream or Facebook Live or in audio podcasts:

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Listen to past services

“Thanks be to God who gives us the victory 
through our Lord Jesus Christ!”
(I Corinthians 15:57 NIV)

In His love,
Pastor Joe

Liberty Church
P.O. Box 295
Westminster MD 21158


Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s cell: 410.596.4096

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