October 1, 2023

Dear Liberty family & friends Join us in launching into October with coffee or tea and fellowship tomorrow in our Café Liberty gathering from 9:45-10:15 AM. The early phase of the fall season brings fresh reminders of something we often take for granted: Change is part of God’s design for His creation and for our

September 24, 2023

Dear Liberty family & friends “Renewal” is a good way to describe the impact of the last couple of weeks of travel and exploring that Becky and I so enjoyed. It’s with deep thanks to each of you whose care and support for your church is so beautifully expressed. Along with so many other blessings,

September 17, 2023

Greetings to you all This invitation is a bit unusual as I’m welcoming you all to worship while Becky and I are on vacation. We’re back in Pensacola Beach, an area of Florida that’s been part of our journey in several ways through the 45 years since we were married in December of 1978. While

September 10, 2023

Greetings to you all! Join us for our re-start of Café Liberty for the upcoming fall season. With schools back in session, we pray for much wisdom and grace for all parents, teachers and students in managing this significant time of new endeavors for each. As summer slips away soon, there are so many points

September 3, 2023

Greetings to you all Welcome! We would love to have you Join us for worship at 10:15 AM tomorrow. Bring a friend along too. Our after-service reception with refreshments is a great way to share this summer wrap-up Sunday together. “Fellowship” is one of those words that is sometimes minimized or thought of as commonplace