July 23, 2023

Greetings friends We would love for you to join us for Cafe Liberty tomorrow during the half-hour prior to Worship @ 10:15 AM. I learn something new every week about the journey and the gifts of those who worship here. We’re grateful for each of you who make that extra effort to help us start

July 16, 2023

Greetings to you all Join us for Cafe Liberty tomorrow between 9:45 and our worship @ 10:15 AM. It’s a joy to re-connect with friends and welcome guests together. We know summer brings a lot of coming and going, so we hope you can join us either in person or in “virtual space” through livestream

July 2, 2023

Good morning Liberty family & friends In an eventful and very enjoyable week just past, we’ve been touched again by God’s goodness and by the care and generosity of those who serve the Lord here. First, at the top of the joy list this week, is the birth of little Isaac Ryan Eberly. Words fail