January 1, 2023

Greetings & Happy New Year to you all In the wrap-up of 2022, we give thanks for all those whose care and generosity makes ministry and mission possible through our calling as a congregation. A key promise in the New Testament portrait of congregational giving is the assurance that “My God shall supply all your

December 23, 2022

Merry Christmas to you all throughout the weekend! With concerns about this hazardous weather pattern, we know extra precautions are needed. Our Worship service tonight is at 7:00 PM and will be Live-streamed as well. So whether you’re “layering up” for the extreme cold or staying indoors, it’s still our JOY to share a warm

December 18, 2022

Merry Christmas to you all! Within the wondrous news of the birth of Jesus is a truth that seems to emerge in most unexpected ways in the experiences of Mary and Joseph. God’s timing is quietly and yet powerfully unveiled in the lives of those who learn to trust Him. Though we have no recorded

December 11, 2022

Greetings friends! Gifts are a primary focus for most people in preparing for Christmas. It’s a huge part of everyone’s life. Our earliest memories of Christmas are often linked to a surprise gift or to an unforgettable person whose kindness touched us in a way that helped define “Christmas” to us. However, as enriching as

December 4, 2022

Greetings Liberty family & friends As the busy Christmas season unfolds, we’re deeply blessed to welcome worshipers together to savor and explore the wonder of Immanuel, God with us. Our second Sunday in Advent highlights the role that angels play as messengers from the realm of eternity. In the wondrous visit of the angel Gabriel